
Rachel Kipperman (SPED Teacher)

KippermanI have been a Primary Montessori teacher in both private and public schools since 1994. I have been with APS since 2001 working at both Drew, Jamestown and now MPSA. Prior to APS, I worked at two private schools. One was a school called the June Shelton School in Dallas Tx which is school children who have special needs. At the school, the preK-3rd grade classrooms use the Montessori curriculum and pedagogy. The experience and training while at the June Shelton School, laid a foundation for in my current position as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher in MPSA’s two inclusion classrooms. Inclusion is a natural fit for the Primary Montessori class, where all students work at their own developmental levels.In addition to teaching children, I spent from 2003-2019 as a teacher trainer at Northern Virginia Montessori Institute. At the Institute, I taught in the area of Language as well as a course in working with students with Learning Differences in the Montessori classroom.I received my AMS Montessori Primary Certificate from Maryland Center for Montessori Studies, BA and M Ed from Goucher College in Towson MD.